I haven't posted since September. So many things have happened since then. I finished my first semester of school and I fear that it may have been deceptively easy. I did finish the semester with a 4.0. And I did continue this through Winter Session as well. Though this has only made me want to push harder to keep my grades up.
One of my classes this last semester was Irish 101. Learning Gaeilge, or Irish Gaelic as many people call it stirred something inside me. I knew growing up that my mother was a second-generation Irish American. But beyond knowing that she was a Riley from Butte, I really didn't know anything more about my family or what it meant to be an Irish American.
Now, I don't want it to sound like learning enough Gaeilge to converse with a five year old has suddenly given me great insights to what it means to be an Irish American. I knew going into school that I would be getting a minor in Irish Studies and wanted to study over in Ireland. And learning the language has fueled my passion.

Between these two discoveries, I decided to start doing some digging on Ancestry.com. I found information back to my great-great-grandparents for my mother, father and step-father. It has been amazing and I look forward to find out more along my journey.
Part of the reason I haven't been posting here has been due to my work with the Irish Studies program. I am currently managing the social media sites for the program and working on launching a blog for the program. I am balancing this with my normal class load and work. The sacrifice has been time spent with my family and friends. But I know that they understand.
Tomorrow begins a new semester. I think I have my work cut out for me and I hope I am up for the challenge. I need to keep my grades up in order to ensure that I have an opportunity to study in Ireland.My hours at work have been scaled back to give me a chance to succeed.
I will post when I can.
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